How To Make Money On OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face

Earning On OnlyFans Without Revealing Your Face: Easy Tips & Tricks

Are you a content creator who is planning to join OnlyFans, the raging social platform? With the annual payout to creators crossing a massive $5,000,000,000, OnlyFans undoubtedly offers an irresistible proposition. However, as a content creator, you might be reluctant to reveal your identity on OnlyFans.

Like you, there are many creators out there who just don’t want their family members, friends, or colleagues to know that they have a profile on this platform. Some content creators just don’t want to be judged whereas others cannot go through the pain of nasty comments.

Irrespective of the reason, is it really possible to make money on OnlyFans, without showing your face? In the upcoming sections of this OnlyFans guide, we provide answers to that question and much more.

Make Money On OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face: How To Be Successful?


The answer is yes. There is absolutely no need to show your face for making money on OnlyFans. As long as you come up with killer content consistently, you can still attract followers and rake in money.

There are many creators on OnlyFans who sell pictures of their body parts, without showing their faces. Having said that, it may be difficult compared to those who create content by revealing their faces.

Keep in mind that the decision to not show your face also depends on the niche you are focusing on.

Make Money On OnlyFans Without Shwing Face

For example, assume that you are into creating Not safe for work (NSFW) content or adult content. Here, the viewers are more interested in watching your body parts and not your face. Hence, it doesn’t really matter whether you show your face or not.

On the other hand, assume that your content is centered on workouts, physical fitness, or personal care products. In such a scenario, it doesn’t make any sense to create content without revealing your face.

In short, you have to take your audience into consideration before deciding whether to reveal your face or not.

How To Start An OnlyFans Account Anonymously?

Let’s check out how you can join OnlyFans as a creator by staying anonymous.

1. Create An Anonymous Email Account

The first step is to set up an anonymous email account. For this purpose, choose an email service provider that doesn’t want you to disclose any personal information for signing up.

Also, make sure that you use an alias while signing up. Never make the mistake of using your name or personally identifiable information anywhere while creating an e-mail id with an email service provider. This would help you in maintaining your online privacy, as it is important in the adult entertainment industry.

Create An Anonymous Email Account
Source: AlwaysVPN

2. Sign Up As An OnlyFans Creator

To sign up as a creator on OnlyFans, it is mandatory to provide your legal name and bank account details. Also, you have to furnish your identity verification documents such as a government-issued ID and a selfie holding your ID.

There is no way you can get away from disclosing these details. However, there is nothing to worry about as this information will remain confidential with OnlyFans authorities.

Having said that, if you are too privacy conscious, stay away from signing in on OnlyFans using your Twitter account as you have to grant access to several permissions.

3. Use Only Anonymous Usernames

While creating your OnlyFans username, never use your own name or date of birth. This is to ensure that you don’t leave any clue for others to make even a wild guess about your identity.

Also, use a strong password so that your account is secure. Make sure that the password is different from the passwords used on other social media platforms.

Anonymous Usernames
Source: Lifewire

4. Set Up A Two-Factor Authentication

To make it more secure, go for two-factor authentication. For this purpose, while being logged in to your OnlyFans account, choose ‘Account’ and click ‘Two-Step Verification’. From the options, click either ‘Authenticator App’ or ‘ Verification via SMS’. Now your two-factor authentication is set up.     

In order to activate the two-factor authentication, a phone number, a Microsoft account, or a Google account is required.

To keep it confidential, buy a prepaid SIM card and get a new number so that your identity remains completely hidden.

Two-Factor Authentication
Source: Malwarebytes

5. Make Changes To Privacy Settings

There are some other tips to follow to add secrecy to your identity. It includes staying away from displaying your active status, hiding your media count, keeping your friends list confidential, and hiding your tips sum.     

Apart from the points discussed above, be careful while posting content. Never make your face visible in any of the photos and also keep in mind that the background is unique and does not contain skyscrapers, landscapes, or road signs near your location that can be easily guessed.

Make Changes To Privacy Settings
Source: Medium

Eight Tips To Stay Anonymous And Make Money On OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face

Onlyfans is one easy and effective way for making money online. It can help you make money with or without showing your face. There are no upper limits for your OnlyFans earnings. It is considered to be one of the most popular and highly rewarding among various online income streams.

There are various ways to make money online quickly and here are some precautions to be taken for anonymous content creation and become one of the no-face OnlyFans creators.

Start An OnlyFans Account Anonymously
Source: Insider

Let’s check out the 8 effective tips that will help you make money on OnlyFans without a face.

1. Use A Stage Name

To start with, create a ‘stage name’ on OnlyFans. A stage name is nothing but a fake name or an alias name. Since you prefer to remain anonymous, there are certain things to keep in mind while creating your stage name.

Never make the mistake of using your first or second name in your stage name. Also, don’t use the nicknames by which people call you in person.

In short, your stage name should be entirely different from your actual name or nickname so that the OnlyFans crowd is absolutely clueless about your original identity.

2. Hide Your Tattoos And Scars

Have you inked a body tattoo by which people easily identify you? It’s not just tattooed, but sometimes birthmarks also act as an easy way to identify people.

Make sure that you hide those tattoos, birthmarks, burn marks, and scars while posting photos. For this purpose, pose at such an angle that your tattoos or scars are not visible.

If it just doesn’t work out, then make use of photo editing apps to remove them. They come with features such as blemish, blending, cropping, and deleting tools that help you easily mask those identification marks.

Hide Your Tattoos And Scars

3. Choose A Niche

Niche is the area or domain in which you create content around. Thus, focus on a niche you are really strong at. Come up with compelling content so that it helps you get a lot of followers.

As you prefer to remain anonymous, choose a niche such as exposing your body parts. For your information, one of the hottest niches on OnlyFans without showing face is fit girls or girls who like to go to the gym.

4. Be Interactive

As you don’t plan to show your face, some people may feel a kind of detachment. To overcome that problem, interaction is the key.

Be friendly with people and respond to chats and queries on time. It will help develop a good rapport with your audience.

Be Interactive
Source: Raccoon Gang

5. Make Use Of Social Media Platforms

To help people find you easily on OnlyFans, promote your content on social media platforms. It can be Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, and forums such as Reddit.

There are pre-existing forums on Reddit for several niches on OnlyFans. Make use of such forums for promoting your content.

However, while creating social media profiles, never use your actual name or email ID so that your identity remains unknown.

Make Use Of Social Media Platforms
Source: Informi

6. Use The OnlyFans Geo Blocking Feature

Are you aware of the geo-blocking feature on OnlyFans?

With this feature, you can block people belonging to a particular area from viewing your content, especially the area where you reside. There is also the option to block specific users if you know their IP addresses.

To utilize this feature, follow the below steps.

1. Go to the settings page

2. Click on ‘Security’

3. Keep scrolling till you see “geoblocking”

4. Select the countries you want to block

5. Click “save changes” 

OnlyFans Geo Blocking Feature
Source: OnlyFans Blog

7. Offer A Subscription Service

The best method to make money on OnlyFans is by providing a subscription service for your content. It can be either a monthly or annual subscription service for availing your content.

Many celebrities make use of this technique even for behind-the-scenes or exclusive content. OnlyFans income is comparatively easier to create than social media income.

8. Hide Your Voice With A Voice Changer

There are chances that people may easily identify you while listening to your voice messages, video, or audio clips. It may end up with followers asking embarrassing questions to you.

To prevent this, mask your voice using a voice changer. Another alternative is to stay away from talking in your videos.

Hide Your Voice With A Voice Changer
Source: njkhanh

Make Money On OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face: Some Strategies To Take Note On!

Social media monetization is one of the best options to make profits on the internet. Content monetization is much more profitable as you can continue to sell one creation to as many who are willing to buy.

Monetizing social media content has made many creators millionaires as these are platforms where you get the most viewers. Studies have shown that more than half the population of Earth uses social media platforms.

Online content creation especially adult content creation can be considered the most lucrative career option out there. Only Fan’s earnings that its creators make will make you understand how much profit you can make on this platform. 

To make money on OnlyFans, you will need a loyal following, to reach that you will need to promote your content and that is the key to gaining more audience and earnings. There are certain methods you can follow to get more followers on OnlyFans.

Let’s look into these OnlyFans strategies by which you can gain more following on this platform.

1. Finding Your OnlyFans Niche

A niche is a specialized segment for a particular sector and having a niche will help you concentrate on the audience you have. It will help you create content to suit the targeted viewers. This would also reduce competition and increase loyalty from followers. Niches can be based on several factors like ethnicity, physical attributes, occupation, and interests.

There are several options for you to choose from and here are some that may be suited for not showing your face:

  • Big ass
  • Thick thighs
  • Small waist 
  • Big Boobs / Small Boobs
  • Squirter
  • Muscular / Fit
  • Feet
  • Curvy
  • BDSM
  • Tattooed

Try to choose anything that does not require you to show your face and still provide pleasure and gratification to viewers. Selecting these niches and posting specifically on these will get your content to people who actually search for these and thus gain an easy following.  

2. Focusing More On A Specific Part Of Your Body 

OnlyFans has more than 2 million creators and there are many who create content the same way as you with their faces shown. That raises the question as to how you will compete with them.

It is possible to make quality content without exposing your identity. It has its own drawbacks but still, it is possible to make money.

One strategy that can be employed is to focus on a very specific body part. There are people with various desires, fetishes, and kinks. Some people may just need to see your feet, there are fetishes that you never even knew existed.

Providing these kinds of specific audiences and mastering just one act might be enough to gain you a lot of followers.  

3. Create Social Media Accounts For Promotion

You already have a stage name, so you can make social media accounts in that stage name for promotion. Social media marketing is one of the best and among the easiest for promotional activities. Reddit is one such social media platform to start with.

There are several communities dedicated to certain niches and you can post in these to gain more attention and followers. There will be subreddits with hundreds, thousands, and even millions of members dedicated to certain niches.

There are several other social media platforms too, but this is the easiest, to begin with, and then later on you can expand your promotional activities to other platforms. 

4. Using Tools That Provide More Followers To Your Only Fans Account

There are various OnlyFans marketing tools available on the internet and service providers who can create a following and do promotional activities for your profile.

These could be tools that automate actions on social media platforms that will save you more time and energy.

There are free tools and paid ones, the free ones might have daily limits on the actions they carry out and you may get the paid version after analyzing how useful it is to you. 

5. Promote Through Forums 

This is another easy and free method to do your promotion on the internet. There are various forums dedicated to adult content and you can find these forums and promote your profile there.

Gaining the attention here is by being creative and unique in your approach. Quora could be one option for forum-based promotion. You can use the comment sections or answers as a way to promote your account. 

6. Collaboration With Similar Creators

You can find other creators with similar interests who do not show their faces.

Collaborating with another creator will give you both more reach to a wider audience and have mutual benefits. This will help you gain more OnlyFans subscriptions and followers. 

7. Use Third Party OnlyFans Promotion Services

This can’t be said as a sure shot method to gain more followers but something that you can try.

There are various platforms and agencies on the internet that offer paid promotional support for OnlyFans accounts.

If they are as good as they claim to be in their services you might gain a bunch of followers and subscriptions. 


Not everyone may be comfortable showing their face in the adult content industry. However, OnlyFans offers a lucrative option for adult content creators like you.

As discussed above, staying anonymous doesn’t mean that it is impossible to make money on the OnlyFans platform. It’s just that you have to act smart.

By following the above 8 OnlyFans tips, it is very much possible to create a massive fan following and make big bucks.

Ultimately, content is king, and coming up with killer content will undoubtedly help carve your own niche on OnlyFans.

Questions That Come Up Often

Q. How to start an anonymous account on Onlyfans

The first step is to create an anonymous email account without your personal details. Sign up in the only fans as a creator not a user. Use anonymous names only and set up two-factor authentication. And the last step is to make changes in privacy settings. 

Q. Can everyone create an account on Onlyfans?

Obviously. There are no restrictions on creating an account on Onlyfans. If you are a content creator planning to post your content on Onlyfans can easily create an account. But it restricted the entry of minors under the age limit of 18.

Q. Is there any rules and regulations in Onlyfans?

Onlyfans users are not allowed to share their accounts with others. And they are not permitted to post or share illegal contents that are strictly banned by the website. Defamatory content, fraud, and child exploitation through the website are restricted. 

Q. Is there any age limit to create an account on Onlyfans?

The user must be 18 or over. And a selfie alongside a photo ID and registered address was asked for during the account creation process.  

Q. Is there any way to hide my natives from my contents? 

Onlyfans provides a Geo blocking feature that helps you to block people in a specific area from viewing your content according to your choice. And there is also an option to block a specific user from your account if you know their IP address.

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