5 Smart Ways To Deal With Negative Comments On Your Blog

5 Smart Ways To Deal With Negative Comments On Your Blog

These are the 5 smart ways to deal with negative comments on your blog that can protect yourself from negative comments as well as giving you a guideline as to how to deal with them. Facing negative comments on your blog is a very delicate topic as this situation can be a nightmare for many.  As your blog gains popularity, it will…

10 Highly Effective Ways To Increase Adsense CTR in 2020

10 Highly Effective Ways To Increase Adsense CTR in 2020

This article is on 10 Highly effective ways to increase Adsense CTR in 2020. In a world were entertainment platforms are raising to its peak with the younger generations as well as the older generations streaming into social media and are earning through vlogging or video blogging on various platforms such as mobile phones, social…

Content Tactics To Turn Your Blog Visitors Into Regular Readers!

Content Tactics To Turn Your Blog Visitors Into Regular Readers!

People, as marketers, face steady content tactics to turn your visitors into fans. Many may feel like an achievement as you observe how many visitors come to your site and the ranking just continue to climb and climb. Regrettably, these numbers mean nil if those visitors don’t actually transform into regular buyers or fans. Thus,…

8 Free Keyword Research Tools To Help You Plan Your New Site

8 Free Keyword Research Tools To Help You Plan Your New Site

Keywords are specific words that consumers type in search engines to find the topic they are looking for. So keyword research is an important SEO factor. By using an effective keyword research tool you can decide the popular and well-ranked keyword for specific topics. This helps to drive traffic to your site and is the…