How To Use Social Proof To Grow Your Ecommerce Sales!

How To Use Social Proof To Grow Your Ecommerce Sales?

Social proof is a concept that is widely gaining prevalence among eCommerce sellers since it provides them an opportunity to capitalize on their buyers’ behavior and in turn boost their sales. So, what exactly does social proof refer to? Social proof refers to the psychological concept, which says that conformation to other people’s ideas is common when people are unsure of what their next move is.

The Different Types Of Social Proof You Can Use To Increase Your ECommerce Sales

This mimesis of the behavior of slightly more experienced people, when someone has landed in an uncertain situation, is what drives the point behind the social proof. Now, this provides eCommerce sellers with an opportunity to ensure that customers are prompted to jump onto the bandwagon of buying from them, once they are provided with the social proof incentive to do so. As a result, here is a list of some types of effective social proof that you can make use of, to boost your eCommerce sales

Ecommerce Sales

  • Celebrity Endorsements – 

Celebrity endorsements are a sure-fire way to fuel social proof since most people from the general masses idolize and look up to various celebrities. When such prominent figures promote your products, consumers are definitely going to be interested in what you have to offer, and in some cases, may even blindly trust your products, thus building loyalty. If you lack the budget to rope in a celebrity, then you may even collaborate with influencers on social media. 

  • User-generated content – 

Studies show that user-generated content is extremely helpful in gaining the trust of consumers. It essentially includes prompting your current user base to provide you with their own content, and displaying it for potential customers to see, as a sign of your trustworthiness. User-generated content especially pays off on social media, so you should definitely capitalize on hashtag content, promote reposts and even ask your customer to provide you with pictures of them using your product. This also serves as a great way to engage with your customers and prove to them that you are a reachable eCommerce store. 

  • Testimonials – 

Testimonials, which refers to the process of your current buyers testifying to the credibility of your products, and it too, is an extremely effective way of establishing yourself amongst potential customers. You may request current customers to review your products, and you can post them up on your site in order to enable other perusing customers to see it, and in turn, prompt them to invest their trust in your eCommerce store. 

  • Recommendations – 

In case you are just starting off in the eCommerce world, and do not have enough customers to showcase a list of reviews, then recommendations come in handy. It essentially involves asking your current buyers to recommend products by way of penning it down, creating video content of it, or even just by word-of-mouth, since even such a small promotional step can be helpful to the newcomers of the eCommerce world. 

  • Trending features – 

You might have noticed that quite a few eCommerce stores have a trending or best-selling feature on their websites. This is because it helps customers understand what is in trend now, and by showing to them what other customers prefer, fuels them to make a purchase too. 


Social proof is an extremely efficient concept that you can strategically make use of, in order to fuel your eCommerce sales. Making use of influential third-parties, combined with a display of what your current buyers have to say about your store, is a great way to not only engage with your customers, but also to prove to potential ones that you run a credible business that calls for their trust, and promises not to disappoint. By capitalizing on this need of customers to feel like they belong to a larger group of buyers, you too can take your eCommerce business to newer heights. 



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