Online Marketing Mistakes That You Should Not Repeat In 2019

Online Marketing Mistakes That You Should Not Repeat In 2019!

If you are an internet marketer then 2019 is going to be a huge success for you. But with the dawn of a fresh year comes new marketing responsibilities. To make 2019 better and more successful than 2018 I have come up with a compiled list of marketing mistakes frequently made in 2018 and those one should stay away from in 2019. 2019 is going to be a huge success for marketers if a few content marketing mistakes can be avoided. One of the keys to success is to create useful, unique and engaging content for the users. But there is a catch here because content marketing trends are changing rapidly and a small mistake could become a total disaster.

Online Marketing Mistakes That You Should Not Repeat


So how does one know if they are doing this right? Planning your strategies for a whole year is not an easy task. but if you will start making plans in advance and find out where you need to improve, the whole process will become easy, one of the best ways to do this is to know your mistakes and learn from them.

Here are some of the Online Marketing Mistakes That you should not repeat in 2019

Online Marketing Mistakes That You Should Not Repeat In 2019

Here are some of the important questions that you need to ask yourself before making your marketing strategies

  • Do you know who your audience is going to be?
  • Will it help you to build your brand awareness?
  • Is your content marketing strong enough to gain the trust of the audience?
  • What are your plans and strategies for content sharing in social media?
  • How are you planning to attract buyers through your content?
  • What type of format does your audience prefer to see more?

Never be late to Plan your plan

Once you have figured out what you need to do and when the next thing you should concern your self with is effectively breaking down your plan into achievable strategies. You need to set the flowing clearly:

  • Target your Location
  • Who your Fans and Followers are
  • What is your Objective
  • Finding  the right Proper Channel
  • Connecting at the Right Time
  • Spreading the right message

Do not Build Content Marketing Strategies without Proper Research

There is no point in having the best content and the best message if you don’t have the right strategies then your content is never going to see the light of the day. Therefore yes, the most important thing you need to do is to plan the right content marketing strategies. You need to have a pre-set track on how you are going to do the research, create, distribute and promote the content.

online marketing mistakes

Lack of video content optimization

If the content is the king then the video has to be the queen! Today is the video’s world, the demand for video is never doing down any time soon. Marketers are trying everything they can to maximize achieve their marketing goals through video. So when the demand is this high how do you set your space? Here are some of the key reasons why videos fail:

  • content that is not suited to the video style
  • Bad quality
  • Irrelevant content
  • Lack of call-to-actions
  • Length issues

Find the right point of balance is very important. Since there is no fixed set of rules for making videos you need to use the trial and error and figure out what kind of videos work best with your target audience.

Don’t miss the How To Manage Social Media Time To Improve Productivity?

I hope you found the above article, “ Online Marketing Mistakes That you should not repeat in 2019” useful. Let know what you are the mistakes you did and how you rectified it. I’ll be happy to hear from you guys. Connect with me through the comment box.

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