Best methods to identify search intent that boost SEO ranking

Best Methods To Identify Search Intent That Boost SEO Ranking!

The best methods to identify search intent that boost SEO ranking. Search Engine Optimization and keyword use is an integral part of scoring a dedicated base of the user and sourcing a great amount of traffic to the website. The specific words used on the search engine for product, service or information while the internet users make a search can be optimized or properly used in website contents to land a better ranking.

Methods To Identify Search Intent That Boost SEO Ranking


Higher the ranking of the website more likely for users to visit the website and possibly help gain better sale product listed on their own site or from affiliate companies. However, the better conversion of user visit to sales or subscription of product and services can only be achieved through analysis of the user’s search intent. Most people often make no time to accommodate the search intent of search engine users looking for certain information and miserably fail at converting the visit of these users to benefit from website operation.

Even when raking good position in search engine ranks one cannot make them do a desired action on the site unless their primary purpose of searching for things on your website is met. Best methods to identify search intent that boost SEO ranking is here to help you realize what it is and the best methods to deploy it.

Best methods to identify search intent that boost SEO ranking

What is Search Intent?

In simple terms, search intent is a self-explanatory word and the meaning of two words explain it on their own. If we dumb it more, the search intent is the primary reason or purpose for searching something on the web. The general question like why is an individual person searching for bitcoins? Do they intend to know more about bitcoins? Do they want to purchase or trade off their bitcoins?

While the search engines were not able to provide exact results to the user in the past, the mechanism has come a long way nowadays. The search engines now scan with user’s intent in the account and provide the relevant information ranking them higher in search results. However, keeping knowledge of search engine users intent yourself while choosing the search keywords in content can prove very beneficial and one must never skip it because the search engine does it.

The Method of Identifying Search Intent

The method identifying search intent is not exactly outer space rocket engine science but it is not exactly like buying ice cream from the ice cream truck. The basic but best method of identifying the search intent of users over the internet is categorizing the search word information to three different categories generally used upon by search engines themselves.

  • Transaction

The very first category of user search on the internet is to perform a certain transactional act like purchasing good or services online. This type of category is great for an e-commerce website or companies which sell online services like paid tax filing service over the internet. The keyword in the content of the website should be thus directed towards making the user purchase their product and direct them to the action of purchasing.

Methods To Identify Search Intent That Boost SEO Ranking

  • Information

While blogs do earn a fair share of money from PPC adverts, paid promotion, affiliate marketing, these informational websites are looked upon by users for gaining access to certain information rather than purchasing a product. A lot of e-commerce and service-based websites operate a blog to provide information to redirect customers to their website. The search users find information through blogs and then keep the website as a perspective for purchase in the future. When the time comes the information they initially found from is the first choice. Thus, you should try matching the searcher experience and try adding keywords and information which searcher are likely to search for in your and your competitor’s website.

  • Bouncing

There are times when every one of us directly searches for Apple Store on engines to jump to the apple stores website for purchasing rather than typing The trend has become rampant and nobody types the whole website and instead jumps to website directly from the engine. Thus, you should choose keywords properly for those trying to buy things on your website with highly sought after keywords to rank on the top of the page and make navigation easier. The key here is making your website easily redirectable rather than competitors on the search engine.

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The classifying of information helps you understand whether the customer will look for information, or is looking for the transaction on your website. Furthermore, the correct keyword use will make the users more likely to navigate and bounce to your website from the engines. In turn, this will increase traffic and provide a probability of higher conversion and better revenue generation. Thus, Best methods to identify search intent that boost SEO ranking is to classify them in categories used by search engines.

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