Difference Between E-commerce Marketing And E-commerce Advertising

Marketing And Advertising In E-commerce – Types And Features!

The magnanimous role that e-commerce plays in our lives can by no means be underscored. Every aspect of our lives, from paying the milkman, to shopping for jewellery, has been subsumed by the online medium, and e-commerce comes at the top of this list.

Types And Features Of Marketing And Advertising In E-commerce

So, staying afloat in a multi-faceted industry such as e-commerce is no piece of cake either. There are various dimensions to look after, the most important of which can be traced back to the marketing and advertising functions.

Difference Between E-commerce Marketing And E-commerce Advertising

Reaching your customers in the right way is an extremely crucial factor of mastering the e-commerce game, so here are a few pointers to look after, while attempting to wade through the world of e-commerce. 

Marketing In E-commerce

Marketing in the e-commerce space refers to making customers aware of your products and ensuring that they engage with your content so that the foot traffic to your website improves. It also involves looking after various other e-commerce functions such as shipping, payments, strategic pricing, et cetera. That being said, here are a few types of e-commerce marketing you should definitely capitalize on if you wish to take your e-commerce business to the next level. 

  • Content marketing – Content marketing has emerged as one of the most powerful forms of marketing in the e-commerce space. Leveraging the right type of content which is making the rounds right now, is the best way to push forth the agenda of your brand. You can create engaging content by delving into video content, user-generated content, evergreen content, et cetera, and ensure that users are hooked by the type of content you create and thereby prompted to check out your e-commerce store
  • Email marketing – Numerous studies have revealed that online shoppers often look for discounts and coupons in their inboxes. As a result, you can capitalize on this by engaging in email marketing for your business. Optimize your ‘thank you’ page by asking your users to sign up for weekly newsletters and discounts via emails. 
  • Social media marketing – We have entered a new age of social media, wherein the most amount of information is being transferred through such platforms. You too can get in on this and ensure your brand stands out, by engaging in some valuable social media marketing. 
  • Market research and analysis –Understanding consumer behaviour is an important part of ensuring you are marketing to the right audience, and are doing so in the right manner. Initial market research simply won’t do, rather a recurring analysis of the buying behaviour of your demographic is crucial in running an optimized e-commerce store. 

Advertising in E-commerce

Advertising is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal, and as a result, it becomes pivotal to employ its usage towards driving the message that you wish to establish via your e-commerce store. Here are some types of advertisements that you can leverage, in your attempt to win at the eCommerce game. 

  • PPC advertising – PPC advertising, which stands for pay-per-click advertising, is an extremely cost-effective way of promoting your brand. It essentially involves paying only to the extent of clicks that your ads generate, and proves to be extremely useful if promoting your brand through search engines is important to you. 
  • Display ads – Display ads are one of the earliest forms of advertising, and essentially involve setting up ads of your product or services on other platforms that you think your users are spending their time on, thereby prompting them to visit your store. 
  • Social media ads – Numerous social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have come up with advertising facilities, and offer the added advantage of having a high reach since most people spend their time on social media sites these days. 


Marketing and advertisements are the pillars holding the foundation of eCommerce, and the sooner you learn to leverage their uses to grow your business in the eCommerce space, the better. 

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